Most commercial real estate owners are unaware they are paying taxes they don’t owe. Intangible assets are not taxable in 49 states, yet historically the industry has accepted the price of property and transfer taxes on business intangibles as an unavoidable cost of doing business.
The top professionals in their fields are on our team: they hold the highest credentials, have accumulated decades of experience valuing billions of dollars of property, and have saved our clients millions of dollars in undue taxes.
Our track record impresses and continues to grow. Our case studies and track record prove that the RealAdvice PairedExpert approach works.
The conventional property tax system is rigged. Across the US, investors in revenue-producing properties end up over-reporting their real property values, technically committing tax fraud. Administrative magistrates and review processes have no accountability to the taxpayers and are usually summarily biased in favor of the assessors.
Our founder dedicated his entire forty-year career to fighting unjust taxation. His passion inspired him to find a solution that didn’t simply fight unlawful taxation, but instead stopped it at its inception! It is our mission to completely transform how commercial real estate transactions are conducted, and to ensure that within the next ten years, our innovative methodology will be taught in every graduate real estate program in the country and practiced by every major advisory firm in the United States.
We value our clients’ confidentiality, and therefore do not seek or post testimonials. That is not to say that testimonials don’t exist! A highly regarded professional and invited speaker in the industry has referred to our founder as “the Elon Musk of commercial real estate.” More than one of our clients has called us saying that they “need to RealAdvice” their transaction. They understand that, by applying our methodology, they can supercharge their returns by turning a good deal into a great one.
For many of the industry’s largest and best-known companies, RealAdvice is their “secret weapon” for maximizing profits and reducing uncertainty and risk. If you are planning a commercial real estate transaction valued at more than $10 M, contact us for a free estimate of the benefits our process will provide you.
Once a company utilizes our solution and experiences their own NOI increase first-hand by 15 to 25%, they enthusiastically build us into all of their future transactions. We look forward to working with you!