RealAdvice experts

Todd Jones, RealAdvice Founder, Principal and CEO

Todd D. Jones, MAI, CRE, FRICS


Since 1985, Mr. Jones has provided complex income-producing commercial property valuation, expert testimony, litigation support, ad valorem property tax counseling and representation, appraisal review, investment advice, marketability analysis, and feasibility analysis, including highest and best use analysis for virtually all types of commercial, industrial, residential, and special purpose real estate, on behalf of financial institutions, REIT’s, government entities, publicly traded companies, and private concerns.

He is one of three highest credentialed appraisers in Florida, and is a State Certified General Appraiser in more than 30 states.  He was a Member of the 2011 Florida Governor’s Tangible Personal Property Task Force.  He has taught as an Adjunct Professor at the University of Florida’s #1 ranked MSRE program for eight years, and as an Appraisal Review Instructor for the Florida Banker’s School for five years.  His appraisal work has supported transactions as large as $2 Billion, and has been validated through landmark court cases.

As President of the Florida Association of Property Tax Professionals, and an inaugural member of the Florida TaxWatch Tax Advisory Council, Mr. Jones regularly addresses the Florida Cabinet, Legislature, and various state agencies on property tax policies and on other issues impacting taxpayers. Since 2007, the association has successfully collaborated with other influential groups to change Florida law affecting how assessors must develop and support valuations in defending challenged assessments, “leveling the playing field” by lowering the burden of proof for taxpayers in assessment challenges, and requiring the development of uniform rules, policies, and procedures for Value Adjustment Boards across Florida’s 67 counties to improve fairness in taxation for all Floridians.  In 2012, the Florida legislature sought Mr. Jones’ counsel on comprehensive property tax reform legislation.

Guy Hagen, RealAdvice Principal and CTO

Guy Hagen


Mr. Hagen has a 30-year career as a technology entrepreneur and strategic analyst, beginning with founding and raising angel capital for a multimedia database company at the age of 21. He has administered a venture investment fund for the Department of Energy, jointly managed a technology investment fund for a joint partnership between the University of South Florida and Agere / Cirent Semiconductors, built and sold a research consulting company, partnered in a highly respected public relations / crisis management firm, and served as a technology grant reviewer for the Florida High Tech Corridor Council for more than ten years. He has a degree in computer science from UMn and a graduate research degree in business anthropology from USF, certificates in data science and machine learning from Johns Hopkins University and MIT. His experience enables him to bridge technology and data mining with a deep understanding of populations, reputation, and markets. His focus on big picture solutions and his deep understanding of the full range of both technology vision and technology creation has helped him provide successful insights for some of the most prestigious brands in the US and Florida. 

Mr. Hagen contributes to all levels of corporate strategy and operations, but his primary contributions focus on data analytics, expert systems, cloud technology strategy and development, workflow, and business process development.

Alexis Vennes, RealAdvice Principal and COO

Alexis K. Vennes, MSRE


Mrs. Vennes brings almost ten years of experience in entrepreneurism, business strategy, operations, and management in the finance and real estate sectors. She holds a Master of Science in Commercial Real Estate from the University of Florida (the top ranked program in the US), and has experience in brokered originations, as well as acquisition, investment, and asset management for a leading private US real estate investment fund. Currently, Mrs. Vennes both oversees and executes management and operations responsibilities for RealAdvice clients.

Stephen King, MAI, MRICS


Mr. King has served as a Special Magistrate for the Orange County Value Adjustment Board (VAB) for over 10 years. One of the primary reasons the VAB was created by State law was to provide citizens a forum to address complaints regarding the Property Appraiser’s assessment/valuation of property. In his capacity as a Special Magistrate, he conducted hundreds of quasi-judicial hearings and made recommendations to the board based on the evidence presented at these hearings. More recently, Mr. King spent four years with a nationally recognized global tax services company as a manager in the commercial property tax division, allowing him to continue to value/review/analyze complex commercial properties for clients as small as individual property owners to the largest Real Estate Investment Trusts in the world.  Mr. King is a State-Certified General Real Estate Appraiser in multiple states, as well as a Licensed Real Estate Salesman in Florida.

Rachel Fisch, Senior Managing Director

Rachel Fisch, CPA/ABV, MRICS


Ms. Fisch brings over twenty years of intensive business valuation, consulting, and forensic accounting experience to the RealAdvice team. She has been recognized as an expert in numerous court jurisdictions for her analytical and valuation skills. During this time, hundreds of clients have repeatedly relied on Ms. Fisch for strategic business advice. She has provided consulting services in both compliance and advisory matters. Ms. Fisch’s valuation experience includes industries including manufacturing, distribution, e-commerce, franchises, business services, and real estate. She has valued all levels of ownership interests for multiple applications including ownership transfers, succession planning, employee stock plans and options, estate planning, partnership, and marital dissolution. Ms. Fisch also teaches professional continuing education courses for both attorneys and accountants.

Bradley Tennant, Managing Director

Bradley Tennant, Esq., MSRE


Mr. Tennant brings decades of experience in all aspects of real estate development. He is a licensed attorney – board certified in Real Estate by the Florida Bar – who has assisted real estate professionals in everything from negotiating complicated transactions to improving every-day operations. At RealAdvice, he focuses on compliance, negotiations, and ensuring the expert team can focus on client deliverables. He is substantively involved in both contract drafting and litigation on both national and local issues. He graduated in the top 10 of his class at the University of Florida’s Levin College of Law while also completing the Masters of Science in Real Estate (MSRE) program. He also has a bachelor’s degree in advertising from West Virginia University.

Joshua Umman, Senior Associate

Joshua Umman, MSRE


Joshua is one of the key appraisal experts on the RealAdvice team, and is responsible for contributing his analytical talents to RealAdvice ProperTax Reports and PairedExpert services for appraisals under $50M consideration. He has significant experience and knowledge conducting Income Approach, Market Approach, and Cost Approach methods for hundreds of transactions, analyzing the allocation of real, personal, and intangible value across all property types nationwide. Joshua is a technology-focused rising leader within the industry, and as a State-Registered Trainee Appraiser he has assisted senior members of the firm to research, analyze, and value more than 280 properties valued at more than $13B over just the last two years. He is a graduate of the University of Florida’s Masters of Science in Real Estate (MSRE) program, and has a Bachelor’s Degree focused in Finance and Marketing from the University of South Florida.